The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139751   Message #3208128
Posted By: Hovering Bob
14-Aug-11 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: Folk - a target for comedians
Subject: RE: Folk - a target for comedians
I find the fact that 'folk' in all its forms is the butt of so called trendy comedians to be a great sadness.   We have an incredible folk heritage that deserves to be revered and appreciated not ridiculed and demeaned.

I had the privilege and honour to represent the UK at both European and World Folklore festivals as a member of "Dorset Folk Dancers."
At the first European Folklore festival we danced on a mountain top in Portugal in front of a live audience of over seven thousands. The concert which was televised live across the whole of Europe was taken by every country in Eurovision - except the UK.   

We don't deserve the rich folk heritage we have. Thank goodness there is a dedicated band of enthusiasts that protect and promote it.

It was also a salutary discovery to find that after performing in front of an estimated audience of 250 million on the Sunday, back home in England on the Wednesday, we 'danced out' at a Dorset pub to a 'crowd' consisting, literally of two men and a dog.

I just wish there were some way to reflect the denigration back at the comic perpetrators, but then, I've always been a dreamer.
