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Thread #139416   Message #3209019
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
18-Aug-11 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Well, Little Hawk, how did you get so fucking smart??? I wonder why some of the others haven't flashed that yet?
I found a few more links that should cause some of the ninnies to REALLY question the 'way things are'!....but they don't, they just blindly follow along like disembodied lemming automatons! ..spouting complete nonsense, completely detached from reality, as to what has happened in our country...and yet, they CHOOSE to stay blissfully ignorant....and of course, their music reflects it!
BTW, I'm getting radio airplay, and on rotation, and have a concert to do I've used some of this time to not be on as much. frankly, I'm buried in busy, but I'll still post, when I can. the fortunate thing about 'Mudcat Forum' being down for a few days, is I managed to do some research, so I can post 'informative' links, that are not skewed with conspiracy theory shit, but consistent with what I already know. Maybe I'll post some, but there is a 'warning' might shed some light on the 'change' and therefore, some minds might follow suit. Here, let me cut and paste a quote, from one source:

Q: JL, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, MLK and many others were all killed because they all preached peace and harmony to all men, and they all were assassinated for it. The question is: why would preaching peace get you killed and who or what organization would want to silence these people???

A: The people who profit from war.

Kennedy was a good president, that is why 'they' murdered him. Nobody murdered BUSH or even tried to (except the shoe-throwing thing, but that doesn't count). Kennedy had made plans to END the Vietnam war, END the corrupt Federal Reserve, END the dangerous and terrorist CIA, and many other positive decisions. Kennedy was working for the interests of the people and against the criminal organizations that run America. So of course when they killed JFK, they blamed it on 'a lone nut.'

I am tired of bad and evil men running America. Whenever America gets a good man in power or a good man who could enter into a position of power, 'they' always make sure to kill those people such as JFK, RFK, MLK, JL and JFK Jr...

Without LBJ as vice-president Kennedy would not have been murdered because as history has revealed, LBJ had some kind of involvement in the killing. He had a motive (he was next in line for the top job), he had the means and he had the opportunity. His mistress even quoted LBJ as saying: "Those Kennedys will never embarrass me again" which implies a whole lot and his mistress said that when LBJ made that statement, he was not bluffing, and it was a promise.

"Two witnesses told the team they saw George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari and another Mossad agent who were both seen standing next to JFK Jr.s Cessna--all four were at the airport just two days before the doomed plane took off with JFK, Jr., his pregnant wife and her sister "

But when John Kennedy Junior's plane was overdue to arrive at its destination, many hours had passed before Search and Rescue aircraft were sent to look for the missing plane despite the fact that it had on board a functioning ELT device. Does this indicate that there was a cover-up?

Kennedy not only talked about change -- he made it happen. The Oil Depletion Allowance was to be slashed, organized crime had begun to be prosecuted by a zealous Justice Department, even the CIA was upset with Kennedy.

Kennedy had made it clear that the CIA was to gather intelligence, as described in their charter, but were not to propose or promote policies. He was so angry with their performance in Vietnam and Cuba that he openly talked about dissolving the organization.

"If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the government, it will come from the CIA. The agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."

Yes, a storm was brewing. Guests of the Del Charro were ready to do something. Then, one evening just before Kennedy was invited to Dallas, they did it.

I wish that the people of Texas had protested back in 1963 against the blatant coverup of the first Kennedy assassination and against the mob, corrupt politicians and oil men who were involved in the coverup, the deadly deed itself and the exploitation of Texans.

" I don't think any of those two is inspiring enough to be a leader... I am not impressed. The US needs a new JFK in these hard times. "

The powers that be will never allow a JFK-quality leader to be elected ever again. Leaders like JFK, RFK, JFK Jr. and MLK are a threat to the 'powers that be' and they will be killed (case in point). Nowadays they just prevent them from winning by using the media to marginalize them, preventing electoral wins like they did to all the anti-war candidates this US election.

Paul, Kucinich and Gravel all opposed the illegal US wars and as a result, they were ALL blacklisted in the US media, ridiculed and reported on as little as possible.

Obama is not a JFK-quality leader, but he COULD become one if he sees the evil in the powers that be and changes course for the better as Kennedy did.

The Kennedy assassination is just as blunt and lame as the 911 coverup!!
And many idiots will believe it for the rest of their lame lives!


Our planet Earth has become an evil place because good people do nothing and stay silent in the face of evil."

Wishing you well!!!