The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3209283
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
19-Aug-11 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Hey, with all due respects, I'm NOT going there, nor am I going to get sucked up in engaging in barrage of arguments. Let's be cool. Joe stated, in no uncertain terms, that the escalation was not to go on, between us. So dig, I'm going to go with that, OK? Besides YOU'RE the one who organized all the complaining with, that's what you get.

Now aside from that, you DID ask me about 'what should we do?'..or something like that....well, you called it 'pablum', but it's really a bit deeper than you think.

I went down to rehearse, and while I was there, I DID give it some serious thought, about how to accurately answer your inquiry. So I came up with the basis for the premise....and if you look at my original answer, (which, BTW, was not answered sarcastically), you'll see, that BEFORE anyone goes about 'changing society', the changing must FIRST take place within us, as we BECOME the 'society we are changing'.

I know I hit the forum with a barrage of input, ('shock and awe') was to make a few folks in here, CONSIDER the possibility, that 'things just ain't what you thought they were'....but that is NOT an attack of anyone's intellect, but rather, an expose, of 'who's who in the zoo', and a lot of the beliefs that we've had, are based on the manipulations of what a lot of deception, has created, within our society.

Just look, how America, and it's psyche has changed since that event.
As it is now, this country is all divided up into factions, political, religious or both, any other number 'class factions', and everybody is at each others throats...and it doesn't have to be, now does it?

Hey, its late..I will continue, but I'll get back, to you.
I'll give you a little to chew on, till I get back,OK?

I think it's a given, that America will go invade somebody for it's own interests, whether it be oil, or minerals, or whatever. Consider, just for a moment, all the wars, we have had, since Nov.22,'63. What was a 'product' in ALL the countries, we've been engaged with? Keep in mind now, that Nov.22,'63, was an event staged by, the factions in the intelligence community, big oil, and elements of organized crime. Think it through..I gotta knock off. Get back to you later.

'Be nice, or you'll end up in my latest novel!' (wink!)


P.S. If you think of a few things, post them up. Everybody is invited, by the way!!