The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139812   Message #3209372
Posted By: Colin Randall
19-Aug-11 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: Song of the Day: days numbered
Subject: Song of the Day: days numbered
As some Mudcat folk know, I have been running a Song of the Day series at Salut! Live for some weeks now. It began a day or two after Jon Boden's project ended, but - believe it or not - I knew nothing of his, perhaps because I live mostly in France, until launching mine.

Now, because it is quite exhausting but also because I am running out of obvious material, I intend to call a halt within the next week or so.

The whole thing has been based on YouTube clips, some previously viewed by scores, even hundreds of thousands but others by only a handful of people, and I am finding that some songs I really wanted to include in the series simply don't feature there, or are well enough hidden for me not to be able to locate them. Leon Rosselson's Song of the Old Communist and Ron Kavana's own of his song Reconciliation are cases in point.

I just want to thank those Mudcatters who have helped or tried to help me locate particular clips - including the two just mentioned - or who have visited the site to see what they make of my choices or the accompanying text.

And it was in part thanks to Mudcat that I located the priceless clip of David Campbell singing, much later in life, his song Slightly Faded, which I used to perform, very badly, as a floor singer in the folk clubs years ago.

I'd say that I have managed to represent most of the artists - far too many to list here - that I would have wanted to, or that I'll get to them before winding up the series (in case Eliza Carthy was wondering why she wasn't included).

On the whole, I think it was worth doing. More people have been coming to the site even if the phrase Song of the Day, with quotation marks, returns 6.5m results on a Google search and you have to plough through several pages before you reach my use of it.

And I've enjoyed doing it.