The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3210405
Posted By: Stringsinger
21-Aug-11 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Of course Perry and Bachmann will decide to funnel money into churches of their choice. That's what they profess as far as their religion carries them. Obama has certainly done this with his "faith-based initiatives" so what make you think Perry and Bachmann will suddenly change course? It will be religion on steroids steering toward Republican reaction and supported by two-thirds of the American electorate, most of them believe in the inerrancy of the bible.

Robbing poor and the elderly isn't funny today. It has come true so it's not satire like it was in the Sixties when things were economically better.

As to the role of Johnson in the assassination of Kennedy, I still like the book "Ultimate Sacrifice" by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann which is not a conspiracy theory but hard work research done over ten years. You might agree or disagree with it but it is serious reading.

Disinformation is a way of getting elected, protecting corporations, keeping greed in the hands of an Oligarchy and aiding religious nut-cases who are trying to become president.
What's so shocking about that?

Kennedy and Johnson were dragged kicking and screaming into supporting Civll Rights. That's common information.

The Military Industrial Complex would benefit from a theocratic turn in the presidency, they are actively promoting this in the upper echelons of the military today. Try being a non-believer in the military today and find out what happens to you.

The MIC in the US today is big business and the Tea Party isn't saying boo about that because they not only don't care, they support it.

Who has the temerity to claim that they have an understanding of the "whole picture"?
We are all like the blind man and the elephant. Where's the real information coming from, certainly not Bob Hope or Pat Paulsen, more like Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart.