The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139864   Message #3210948
Posted By: Bobert
22-Aug-11 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Drug test needed to get welfare checks
Subject: RE: BS: Drug test needed to get welfare checks
Back in the olden days "Eligibility Workers" had to make a home visit to verify that there was no man in the house...

(And we wonder what happened to the nuclear family???)

I donno... Since welfare reform in 1996 there really aren't all that many people on welfare and if you do get on it you can't stay on it but a certain length of time before you are cut off (I think it's 6 months)...

Welfare represents such a small part of the over-all budget that this does seem to be politically motivated to make people think that there are all these lazy or addicted people sucking the government dry... That isn't accurate, at all... But that's the right's PR... People don't want jobs, they just want checks to fill up the Cadillac with gas...

I'd rather see the state of Florida go after the crooked so-called health care companies that collect billion$$$ in Medicare $$$ but don't even have doctors or much more than a PO Box... That is costing *US* one heck of a lot more than the paltry $$$ that goes for welfare...
