The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49861   Message #3211255
Posted By: Jim Dixon
23-Aug-11 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: I've Been Everywhere
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I've Been Everywhere
George Fox (from Alberta, Canada) sang his own version of I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE on his first album "George Fox," (Warner Music Canada, 1988). You can hear it at YouTube

His intro seems original. My transcription:

Well, we rolled around and vanned(?) into customs on the borderline.
I was hopin' they'd let us by once they saw this honest face o' mine,
But they stalled us and they told us, "No fruit or veggies, please,
And just what-all you been doin', boys, an' where-all have you been?"
Well, I told them we'd been ramblin', man, an' when he asked us where,
I said, "Now listen close. Don't interrupt. You got a pen an' paper there?"

After that, he sings all the same verses that Hank Snow did, and seems to be trying to sing the same place names, although I think he occasionally fumbles it a bit.

Finally he adds a new verse at the end. As usual, this is delivered at breakneck speed. In this verse, all the place names seem to be in Alberta. The ones I have identified, I have indicated by links to Wikipedia. The ones I can't identify, I have spelled phonetically as I hear them:

Bragg Creek, Dartig, Bovry, Elkenny,
Airdrie, Exshaw, Bearspaw, Weedenhaw,
Horse Creek, High River, Sherritt and Cavalier,
Forty-two hundred miles away from here,
Goosetrid and Babb and Kananaskis,
Played in Nashville but nobody asked us.

By the way, I have checked George Fox's web site and I can't find any mention there of this song.