The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3211587
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Aug-11 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
1- Don: "The Chihuahua stands there yapping..(blah blah)
2- Don: "..until the lions get tired of all the racket..(Blah blah)
3- Don: "take a look at this pathetic little snack, and let out a
          loud roar.
4- Don: " Then, the Chihuahua dumps its load in sheer terror
          and goes kye-yiping over the hill." (Blah blah)
5- Bobert: "Yup, Don, she's holding a pair of deuces and betting like
          she's got a full house" (Blah blah)
6- Bobert: "But I am curious as to which conspiracy theory she was
          going to pull on us..." (blah blah)
7- Bobert: "Maybe the "100 mpg carburetor"??? Maybe the "The world is
          "controlled by 5 men"??? Maybe "Obama is from Mars"???
8- Bobert: "Shucks!!! I was so looking forward to a good fallin'-
9- Don: "When challenged to reveal his august knowledge to we
          ignorant peasants"..(Blah blah)
10- Don: "S/He's got NUTHIN'!!" (Blah blah horseshit!)
11- Don: "Just another loudmouthed gas-bag.' (blah blah)
12- Bobert: "..I mean, This is all just Basic Reality 001 (non-credit remedial reality for the insane)...maybe you know something that historians
          and.or political scientists don't, I donno..." (Blah blah)
13- Bobert: "So, GfinS... Fatcs trumped whatever your latest
          conspiracy theory was.." More blah blah)
14- Bobert: "So that is nuthin' but Repub-speak..." (Blah blah)
15- Boobert: "..Never mind... I'll tell you why... Because you Repubs
          and Tea Partiers can't stand talking about you donors..."
16- Bobert: "...This is all just Basic Reality 001 (non-credit
          remedial reality for the insane)..." Blah blah blah)

16 slurs and NOT ONE FACT..Great rebuttal guys!! I guess that's your way of saying you got the shit knocked out of you!.....However Boobert did make one TRUE statement that made sense....
Bobert: "suddenly GfS once again calls us all a bunch of brainwashed ignoramuses and says he can't waste any more of his/her precious time on us."

Stringsinger, though we have disagreed, here and there, was the ONLY one of you, who could ask a legitimate question, or make a comment without a slur, or insult. Though we may have a difference, hats off to you!!...SO....

I was talking to my friend, and he told me about this link. He is EXTREMELY 'Progressive' and he is thoroughly disgusted in this I watched the video(which is around two hours long), and was blown away, BUT it is also VERY consistent, with what I was saying. They even alluded to the change came AFTER the death of JFK!!...AND mentions about the jobs (GE) going overseas, to China. So I'm going to post it for you. It is NOT favoring ANY of the parties, including the Tea Party. Joe S., my 'Progressive' friend (Democrat, and excellent man)says there is quite a 'buzz' about this video!!(which has about 3 million hits, just on the one I looked at). I myself found it quite disturbing, but it made complete sense!!!! This is a note from below the video: "Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design."
It blasts both sides!
Watch it all the way goes through different subjects

The other two pouting bed-wetters are only going to post nasty posts to discredit anyone who doesn't have to try as hard as they do, to eat with a spoon, so they can, and will be ignored.