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Thread #139416   Message #3211754
Posted By: Don Firth
23-Aug-11 - 08:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Don't waste your time on that link, folks. It's a YouTube rendition of "The Fall of the Republic." It's a production of Alex Jones, a talk show host in Dallas, Texas.

I saw it some time ago, at the insistence of one of my more angry and unstable acquaintances who loaned me her copy of the DVD.

Here's the scoop on Alex Jones:

(Sorry. I tried to make it into a link, but for some reason the bloody thing wouldn't work!)

Alex Jones's magnum opus is primarily a vicious propaganda slam against Obama (surprise surorise!), and then it resurrects the wheezy old conspiracy theory, long favored by the dim-witted and paranoid, about "The Global Corporate Takeover by the International Bankers." It's just been up-dated a bit.

My Dad used to get that kind of crappolla in the mail (unsolicited—people just used to send it to him) when I was a kid; but back then, it was how the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers were colluding to take over control of the world by controlling all the money.

This thing also takes a swipe at well-established science, claiming that all talk of climate change being influenced by man is part of The Plot (although how that works is pretty unclear, since most environmental laws based on reducing greenhouse gasses require that many corporations take a financial hit and clean up their acts). It also tries to explain climate variations by giving a basic (sub-basic!) lesson in astronomy, such as the the earth's axial tilt which is responsible for our regular seasonal variations, all long known information, and other totally predictable and well understood phenomena such as the sun's eleven-year-sunspot cycle, which, since it's been going on for millions of years, has nothing to do with any long term climate changes. Nice graphics, though—but irrelevant to the point.

(Astronomy is one of my areas of expertise, so don't try to snow me in that area!!)

The video is interesting, not for the information it contains and the conclusions it reaches.   Most of it is totally spurious. But it gives you an opportunity to observe rampant paranoia at work at its most virulent.

It is true that the corporations, and the wealthy and powerful, want to grab as much power and glean as much wealth, whether earned or not, as they possibly can. 'Twas ever thus! But what, pray tell, is so amazingly new and revelatory about that bit of informantion? All I can say to anyone to whom this is new and startling news is, "Welcome to Planet Earth."

Don Firth

P. S. If that's what GfS is buying into, then I've got him/her completely pegged.