The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139864   Message #3211770
Posted By: Janie
23-Aug-11 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Drug test needed to get welfare checks
Subject: RE: BS: Drug test needed to get welfare checks
Bruce, Thanks. Yours too. The "you" in my last post was a generic "you,". Was typing and didn't see your last couple of posts, and don't want you to think my comments were in response.

North Carolina just finished with a series of legislative hearings to decide if reparations should be made to the individuals or some surviving family members of people who were sterilized by order of the North Carolina Eugenics Board. Although many states kept Eugenics laws on the books for far to long, North Carolina actually kept up the practice long after other states had discontinued the practice. Unfortunately, but perhaps practically, the budget woes of the state at the current moment are such that it is unlikely that significant reparation will be made. Not sure I can argue with that, given the financial straights the state now finds itself dealing with, and given that help for people in immediate need could be affected if the legislature approves reparations. The reality is, those reparation monies would come directly from funds that would otherwise go to disadvantaged populations without political clout, and not from funds set aside to provide for things like excellent roads or tax incentives for businesses that rarely fulfill their promises.