The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139875   Message #3212012
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
24-Aug-11 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: 'Irish Post' closes.
Subject: RE: 'Irish Post' closes.
Glad to hear it! I was there from 1977-1987 (just off the wonderfully-named Shoot-Up Hill) and went back for my visit in 2008. Twenty-one years, the time it takes for a child to legally become an adult.

Some of the people I played with in Biddy's have gone on to become names in the trad scene here - not huge ones like Lunny, Gavin & Co but you hear them on RnaG, TnaG, & the folkie shows. I suppose the "scene" moves around and changes, just like the rest of life.