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Thread #139416   Message #3212214
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Aug-11 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Don: "You must be very young, GfS, because you're just catching up to the twentieth century. We're already in the twenty-first. This is the same old stuff that I heard when I was a kid. And I'm no spring chicken."

I think you are living in the past...of what you THOUGHT the Democratic Party USED to be!...They co-opted the '60s anti war movement, but didn't really believe in what they were all was just rhetoric to get votes.

Same goes for Bobert...except for him, in his quest for being so 'open minded, and 'liberal' he's turned into a VERY close minded, stuck in partisan propaganda from yesteryear.

As far as a solution, the Constitution has been breached and not enforced, when it comes to loopholes and concessions, of which the manipulator puppet masters, have corrupted, our due processes of law. They will tell you that it is 'outdated' and other such nonsense..BUT there are anti-trust laws, that have been enacted(Constitutionally), which I'm sure the Democrats would be in favor of, anti banking abuse laws, election laws, that have been abused, minting laws, tariifs and revenue laws, border enforcement, balance of power laws and parameters, sovereignty laws...ALL which partisan politicking have fucked with, to get that 'one little thing' through..which chip away at the INTENT of the law!! If the Constitution were enforced as of now!..things would change...the only problem is, a lot of the 'chipping away' was done to appeal to a constituency, along partisan lines(as in 'divide and conquer')......but the real motive behind that, was to allow gaping holes, in which treasonous traitors, and greedy pigs, to keep people down, while they manipulated our legal system, banking laws, etc etc.
It has had a negative effect both to the 'left' AND the 'right', neither get what they wanted, and then somewhere in the mid-term of an administration, (which ever party is in power), their constituency starts thinking that their side LOOKS like the other....and can't figure out what the hell is fucked up!....THEN, you get the 'remedy', which pissed both sides off(such as the Tea Party), and the country stands on the brink of collapse, socially and economically, while the perpetrators stand ready to move in, and set up their own totalitarian state neo fascism which fucks EVERYONE over....except, of course themselves!
We are being, or attempting to be, deceived every day that we live!
Just look around you.
An open mind could easily grasp this. A truly liberal mind sees it. A progressive mind sees it...and Conservatives see it...and its pissing us ALL off!!!
So, I'm NOT against you, at all...but you guys are promoting a mindset that is keeping people blinded, and divided, as Americans.
Hell, I'm only a musician, and I see it..ONLY because I didn't get sucked into it!!!..and am still objective.
No slurs, no slams, no errors!