The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3212223
Posted By: Stringsinger
24-Aug-11 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
The Democratic Party has become a mixed bag, on one hand, the so-called "blue dogs", and the other active people, The Black Caucus, and mavericks who could save this country such as Bernie Sanders (not a Democrat) and Dennis Kucinich (who is).

The problem of course is that because of his wanting to unite the country, Obama has capitulated in an effort to reconcile, part of his religious convictions following in the path of MLK. (His brain on god).

The Republicans in the Congress perceive this as a weakness and will exploit it any way they can.

Obama will have to decide to lead by ignoring the Republicans in the Congress and emboldening his position to move toward a FDR-like stance to cure the Depression.
He'll have to run on this to get re-elected but if he gives in any more to the destructive purposes of the GOP, he will lose to the fanatical Tea Party and be abandoned by his Progressive base.

The issue of National Security is a red-herring. With Osama and Khadaffi gone, we are still at war with billions being wasted and taken from the backs of working people via taxes. And then there is still Assad who is as bad as Khadaffi as well as the other dictators being confronted by the Arab Spring.

Stimulus spending on job creation, protection of victims of foreclosure, shoring up defense of S.S. Medicare and Medicaid, stop the rants from the GOP about "spending cuts" and the Norquist/Ryan/Ayn Rand destruction of government, might help Obama have a chance for a second term. If he caves, it's all over for him.

If Perry gets in, we are all in big trouble.

You thought Bush was bad.