The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5604   Message #32125
Posted By:
08-Jul-98 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bluegrass Ritual Sacrifice
Subject: Lyrics Wanted: Bluegrass Ritual Sacrifice
Yeah, I bet you think I'm kidding, too. I heard a bouncy little number that described a boy playing with his ball. It goes into the neighbors back yard. He looks wistfully at the ball, as the neighbor lady comes out and invites him to retrieve it. He knows he's forbidden to go in that yard and refuses. She tempts him with her golden ring with the blood-red stone, saying he can try it on if he'll come. He goes to her front door and she leads him through the house. Instead of the back yard, the door she opens leads into a darkened room where she places a golden mask over his face and cuts his heart out of his chest. As the song ends, the little boy is singing to his parents that he can never come out into the light again. I blew it off at the time since I was fairly new to bluegrass and didn't realize what a DARK and unusual song it was for the genre. Has anyone got the lyrics for this macabre tale?