The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36348   Message #3213021
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Knowledge
26-Aug-11 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: How do I play autoharp without pain?
Subject: RE: How do I play autoharp without pain?
I `ad that Billy Sugger in my cab the other day. `e was in a right two and eight. `is mouth was all bloody, a couple of loose teeth and a chunk out of `is ear.
`e said, "`ere Jim. Can you get me up to St.Thomas`s `ospital "toot sweet". I gotta get something done about this lot."
I said, "What`s up Bill, then? You `ad a set to with `er in-doors or you neighbour`s rottweiler?"
`e said, "Nah Jim. I bought this instrument from some bloke up `aymarket and I can`t play it for love nor money and it `urts into the bargain."
I said, "Cor, that`s a fine looking auto-`arp."
`e said, "Auto-`arp?? The bastard said it was an `armonica!!"

Whaddam I Like??