The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139864   Message #3213427
Posted By: Bobert
27-Aug-11 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Drug test needed to get welfare checks
Subject: RE: BS: Drug test needed to get welfare checks
Thank you, kat, for the "Cycling" article...

Yes, some mothers do... Most don't... But lets look at a rather typical mother who does... She is about to receive here last assistance check and must now go to work or be homeless with 2-3 children... Dad/s??? Long gone...

So she takes the only job she can get... Usually Walmart, K-Mart or a fast food restaurant making minimum wage of roughly $7.25 an hour and now must figure out how to live on that... Remember, even if she is in a HUD project she still has to pay a percentage of her income for rent... Then there's cost of food which Food Stamps helps but doesn't cover... Here are the kickers... She has to pay for child care while she is at work and she must be able to get to work...

And she has to do all this on $7.25 an hour??? Good luck... So she ends up owing the people for everything she isn't able to cover just about the time she come back into eligibility...

And the beat goes on, and on, and on...

If we want to end welfare then we need to jack the minimum wage up to $15 and hour and even then it's gonna be tough...
