The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139868   Message #3213792
Posted By: Bruce MacNeill
27-Aug-11 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
Just a report from the eye of the storm. I'm on the Va. part of the Delmarva and we've been in it all day. The eye is just off shore of me now, finally. We've had a lot of rain and some fair winds but I'd guess nothing above 60mph. I have lost one tree, a pine that appears to have broken about 10 feet off the ground and missed my LP Gas supply by inches but it missed. Lots of small branches strewn around and a few hit the house but no broken windows. Here it is 11 at night and it's been going on since 4 this morning. It's not a strong storm but it's a big storm and most of the damage will be along the coasts and from the storm surge into rivers and harbors etc. I'm on relatively high ground, about 30 feet above sea level and glad of it. If you're closer to the water, get out of there. Otherwise you're just in for a lot of rain. Best of luck to those north of me.