The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139868   Message #3214055
Posted By: Bill D
28-Aug-11 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
I thought we had dodged the bullet totally....but lost power about 4AM (wife was awake)....and just got it back at 12:30 8½ hrs outage. I guess we are lucky...freezer not defrosted. I made coffee this morning on gas stove by lantern light.

   The general Wash. DC metro area was not terribly hard hit, but there are trees down and some wet basements. (My basement stayed rained for hours, but no super downpours)(It seems the 'bands' of wind/rain curled up and over and around us. There was heavier rain & wind in central Penn. last night than right here closer to the storm.)

Now, southern VA. and parts on N. Carolina seem to have got the worst of it, and several deaths from fallen trees reported..(including one in MD)

You guys up north will still be getting rain and such as I type this... I hope it's just a nuisance and not bad.

Stay dry, folks!