The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139868   Message #3214157
Posted By: gnu
28-Aug-11 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
Subject: RE: BS: NA coast hurricane season 2011
Just got an e from maeve. Here is some of it in case she doesn't get a chance to report...

We've lost many trees and branches. Winds continues to strengthen here, with stronger gusts taking down trees. Power is off and on, expect to lose it completely soon. Lost a maple, aspen, black cherry, quite near; many others across the street and in the close woods. Apples and pears are falling. BIG white pine outside the back of the yurt is dropping big limbs. The worst is yet to come, but we're ok so far.

Chooks are fine, though cross at being kept inside the chicken house.