The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66264   Message #3214284
Posted By: GUEST,Marcia Young Palmater
28-Aug-11 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: Betsy Rutherford
Subject: RE: Betsy Rutherford
So delighted to find this thread! I knew Betsy before she met and married John; we were both living in Cambridge, Mass. then, in the '60s. I LOVED her singing, and yes, I have the Biograph album.

A little anecdote: She was an unknown when she performed at a folk festival (no, I don't remember which one.) The MC saw this tiny little woman, long dark hair, looked to be 90 pounds soaking wet with a rock in her pocket, and to reassure her, he said, "Just step up to the mike, little lady, and don't be afraid."

Well, she stepped up to the mike, let her voice go, and blew out the mike! God, what a voice she had.

I was very sad to hear of her passing, much too young. What a loss.