The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139480   Message #3214346
Posted By: Penny S.
29-Aug-11 - 03:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports
Subject: RE: BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports
We've been having the sort of weather we get a few days after a hurricane over west of the pond! Wind and heavy rain, but not enough to bother about. I haven't done much in the garden though. I've emptied a couple of potato bags, and I'm not sure that the process of growing in them actually saves any money, from the number of tubers gathered.

I'm working through the accounts for the flats for the accountant tomorrow - I was hoping it was the last year last year, but no. And I was hoping I'd found a buyer without going to an agent, but it turned out she wanted it to let out rather than live their herself, and I had already decided that as far as possible I would not sell to someone who wanted to do that. Lettings have led to trouble for my neighbours who just want it to be their home, close off the option for people who want to set up a home of their own, and leave all the work of running the company to a few people. It will cost me money to do it the other way, and take more time, but I can't really collude in something I think is wrong. Back to the accounts... but I'll hang the washing out first.
