The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63958   Message #3214651
Posted By: ollaimh
29-Aug-11 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where do Travellers Live?
Subject: RE: BS: Where do Travellers Live?
right fookin on obu!!!

these self righteous bigotted anglos. american and british, who ran and are running some of the most violent empires in world history , spreading murder from kenya to iraq and from acadie to ireland have absolutely no right to judge their victums, but they do. why? because if you didn't slander the victums of empire you might actually have the face the fact that american and british imperialist wars have killed tortured and ethnically cleansed people in every corner of the globe.

i've met travellers who left garbage behind. but thats a pitance to the military capitalist society that has created so much garbage and pollution we may not be able to sustain life on earth in a few decades. all for consumer goods that do little or nothing to actually improve your life. travellers don't consume the whole planet , they have tiny needs compared to the mainstream and leave a tiny enviornmental foot print.

when i travelled, i spent years using no electriciity(at least directly),buying almost no consumer goods and creating no garbage but food left overs and taking a dump --which every oine has to do.

but you bigots, try not to take your dumps with your mouths!