The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139480   Message #3214911
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Aug-11 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports
Subject: RE: BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports
Been decluttering and not sharing.

We both arrived home from a long and great vacay to hot-n-heavy work projects going "live," in Harid's case as he arrived and in mine a week before we arrived (TBTG for laptops!). We're back over a week and I have not begun to unpack, BUT the work items were exactly as I needed to find them and altho the office looks a mess, it is really just crowded-- not cluttered-- and I just need Adrian to add a few shelves. And I need to unpack the work stuff still in the van more than the vacay stuff-- except for the electric cooler I sent to my office to replace the mini-fridge a power surge seems to have taken out...

Making room for a new housemate is always interesting, but this time around I had so little to move and I knew just where to put everything I moved as I cleared space for her convenience-- while marveling that 5 people used to happily share that one bathroom, or 35 one big-MudGather weekend, LOL.

I throw away a lot more stuff than I used to. Plastic bottles can now go after 2 uses, not 20, when time is of the essence.

The housecleaner is scheduled back for a date soon and I do not need to clean for her to clean, tho I will clean WITH her to get a big bang for our buck-- at least part of her time here.

It's great to have a friend in a room I worked so hard to prep for a mystery occupant. ALL the prep has paid off, suits her perfectly, and the room is still gaining a few planned improvements with Adrian expected here this week. I spent so little for the HUGE help Adrian has been! At the time more than a few people thought I was nuts. Developments have borne out every choice I made, as I was pretty sure they would.... I do not need to know what will happen to know my judgment is sound, even when I have no idea of the eventual outcome. Gray hairs on a wiser head, maybe. I remember needing to know outcomes, not so many years back. I'm sure Faith also plays a role there.

I do still have stuff to order, organize, and maximize, but I am tickled at where we are and to be able to finally have things running just about right about here.

And PT is GREAT!!! So is mountain scootering!
