The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3215143
Posted By: John P
30-Aug-11 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
More mouth farts from GfS: a rude noise, an offensive odor, and nothing behind it but hot air. Pfft!

And no, GfS, this isn't me insulting you. This is a real assessment of your communication skills. You are like a loud, out of tune musician who insists on jamming with good players. After refusing, for years, to support your words with any facts or logic, accusing others of doing that just makes you sound like a Republican. Please go tune your guitar, spend some time with a metronome, and practice playing the right chords at a volume that allows you to hear the other musicians in the room. You're a train wreck in any serious conversation.

Aside from the disastrous form your communication takes, your words in various posts don't add up. You claim to be a Christian, but you are full of bile and insults. I guess that would mean that you are more of an Old Testament Christian than a New Testament one, in other words, no Christian at all. You claim to want us to live according to Constitution, but you insist on denying normal civil rights to gay people. You claim to not be a Tea Party person, but you keep coming back to supporting their bid to destroy our economy because of international banking interests. You claim that everyone else is only using talking points that were fed to them by some outside cabal of mind-controllers -- conspiracy theory run amok, quite insulting to others, and a transparent trick to remove yourself from the need to take anything that anyone else says seriously. You act like you have real conviction for the things you say, but you don't have enough courage to put your name on your writings.

When it comes to communicating in a realistic way, you're a weenie. Mouth farts! Pfft!