The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139993   Message #3215241
Posted By: Stringsinger
30-Aug-11 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global Warming- CERN says not man-made
Subject: RE: BS: Global Warming- CERN says not man-made
First of all, I have an immediate mistrust of anyone who claims James Delingpole to be right about everything.

I smell a financial rat in the CERN, today scientists can be bought, propaganda can gain official status and this piece seems like a propaganda vehicle for the energy industry in the guise of objective science. The tone of the article belies its objectivity, a puff piece intended to keep the controversy over global warming in moth balls.

Remember that the Catholic Church reviled Galileo and I see this piece as similar.

The proof of the pudding is yet to be felt as the energy industry dictates policy and more Katrinas, Irenes and the desertification of the world emerges.