The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3215301
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-Aug-11 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
JohnP: "More mouth farts from GfS: a rude noise, an offensive odor, and nothing behind it but hot air. Pfft!
And no, GfS, this isn't me insulting you....." Blah blah.

No, John, it's just you running your mouth uncontrollably, with out any connection to your brain. ..but I understand it.... you just run on immature emotions, and have to vent a rant somewhere. Perhaps, you might consider seeking professional help..and while you're at it, tell the counselor about your obsession with the expulsion of gas....even if it's the only expression that makes any sense!

I noticed Don didn't 'weigh in' on where the money went'. I think he knows that the governments explanation is a crock. TIA posted a lame cover-up....because that's NOT what Bernanke and Geithner said...but I guess if a fraudulent graph, based on political nonsense will appease the simple minded, I'm sure he is content with that.
You can go back to sleep, now.