The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139993   Message #3215487
Posted By: beardedbruce
30-Aug-11 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global Warming- CERN says not man-made
Subject: RE: BS: Global Warming- CERN says not man-made
So, there are those here that think mass starvation is a joke?


The effects of Gore et al are NOT what they claim- the people most impacted are the Third world and those who live at the edge of starvation, that Gore would push over.

" There are a lot of god, non-global warming reasons for using less oil and coal and for cutting down fewer forests. "

OK, I AGREE with this- but that does not mean it should take priority over trying to adjust for the impacts of the climate change THAT WILL OCURR regardless of reduction of man-made sources.

You are saying that we should paint the barn to make it last longer when it is burning down. Painting is a GOOD idea- but put out the fire first, or you have wasted the effort.