The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26568 Message #321613
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
18-Oct-00 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
Thou shalt drag Lonnie Donegan, the '50s and kazoos into threads at the slightest excuse in order to piss off the folkies, the youngsters and the musicians and shalt make at least one simple error or misaprehension per posting in order to retain thy place as resident village idiot. Thou shalt further resurrect old jokes that were tired when Ossian was a lad, without shame, for, verily, a virtual audience cannot pelt thee with over-ripe fruit. RtS (OK I'll give it up for Lent, promise -maybe)