The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139993   Message #3217339
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Sep-11 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global Warming- CERN says not man-made
Subject: RE: BS: Global Warming- CERN says not man-made
BB, bird kill-off reports have got to be spurious; a, shall we say, "red herring gull?"

I've seen a couple of wind farms, and

1.   The wind turbines are not tall enough to be in the flight path of migratory birds, as some try to claim; and

2.   The blades move slowly enough, even in a fairly brisk wind, that any bird that gets smacked by one is dumb and uncoordinated enough that it should be removed from the gene pool anyway.

As to solar panels, I don't know. But I've heard sufficient claims from those who are generally opposed to alternative energy sources that I am going to check into the truth of the matter.

Don Firth