The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139317   Message #3217539
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
03-Sep-11 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
Well, I'm with Little Hawk and Eliza here.

But to their posts I'll add a little of my own.

Could someone please explain to me why, when children now know SO MUCH about 'sex' there are more teenage pregnancies and sexual diseases around than when I was a young person?

We had 30 minutes of Mrs. Smallworth giving us the most basic details possible, girls only...whilst the boys were with a male teacher.

Afterwards neither side discussed anything with the other. Heck, we didn't discuss it much amongst ourselves.

We were only taught what happened to girls, pretty much, although intercourse was obviously discussed, but no more personal details of what goes on with the lads.

NONE of my friends became pregnant...and as far as I know, none of them had sexual diseases either, mainly because very few of us were off having 'sex' with every Tom, Dick and Harry's dick, as I've said so often before. Rather. we were there waiting for 'love' to come knockin' at the door.

I went to the worst school in my area at the time too, not some prissy Girls' School, before anyone asks.

Roll on several generations.....

My daughter, taught everything under the sun..pretty horrified too and very embarrassed and uncomfortable to have to sit there and endure it.

Afterwards the boys ridiculed the girls. They kept on and on about 'periods' and would go through girls' bags looking for tampons or sanitary towels, taking them out and messing around with them.

The girls would retaliate with equal crudeness....

My daughter felt it was almost as if they were being encouraged to have sex, as she felt it almost 'expected' they would be, so this was what you had to do to protect yourself etc.......

I've said before about young people being advised to have oral sex by the Think Tank that doesn't think, in Exeter University, when that particular idea was taken into some schools....

At primary school I was the ONLY parent who bothered to watch the video they were shown in Year 6 and I was horrified to be Mum and Dad were there brushing their teeth without a stitch on..and then, later, the little child got into bed with both of them, with his pyjamas on, but Mum and Dad were still starkers..

Now of course, had *I* had such a video, of my husband, myself and my daughter, which had somehow got into the public arena, no doubt Social Services would have been around to arrest us both, as parents, for dodgy goings-on in the bedroom!

I mean???? WTF is going on??????

Also, in Year 6 boys and girls were all shown a very graphic film of childbirth.


WTF has this got to do with being 11 years old?

Hells Bells, even as an adult I never got to see what was happening whilst I was giving birth, nor would I have wanted to, thanks very much! Yeesh! That would have traumatised me as a young child....

I had a childhood!   I wasn't saturated with sex at every turn. My friends and I didn't even THINK about it! We were way too busy being children and enjoying ourselves.....Even in secondary school, after that 30 minute session, in Year 8 it went to the back of our minds...

We were friends with the boys, but by and large they boys weren't that interested in us, still busy playing football with their mates, and we were just happy being young, dreaming of falling in love...

It worries the beejayzus the way children are being forced more and more to swallow dodgy information on sex.

Leave them alone, for goodness sake!

I learnt much of my knowledge of love and sex from films, most of which were gentle and loving...I had absolutely no idea WHAT oral sex was until I was in my 20s...and even then it was a case of "You do WHATTTT, Walt? HOLEY MOLEY!!" :0)

Love is wonderful....for it encompasses the most intimate act that is shared between two human beings in the right way.

Nowadays, that 'act' has become almost akin to taking a crap..just another bodily function.....

What the fook have we done to our children, eh????????????!