The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72562   Message #3217839
Posted By: JohnInKansas
03-Sep-11 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: Check out the search filter!
Subject: RE: Check out the search filter!
Some newer participants may not have caught the "historical" recounting at History of the Digital Tradition.

Of possible interest also, The Mudcat Café, thread number 4, is reported as being the first surviving post at Mudcat. (Max posted a few "test threads" that were deleted when "he saw that it was good and he rested" - according to the archivists.)

It's good to know these bits of history, but I'd personally suggest leaving those threads as as they are, and posting any additional comments back here or in one of the few hundred more recent discussion threads. (I may be biased by all the spray painted graffiti I've seen on ancient cave walls, but "touristy" stuff can be destructive.)
