The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72562   Message #3217868
Posted By: JohnInKansas
04-Sep-11 - 01:45 AM
Thread Name: Check out the search filter!
Subject: RE: Check out the search filter!
A puzzle for the Senior Archivist:

Thread Number 1 was not found when searched for by thread number some time back. There were no returns for #1, #2, or #3 (with a few later numbered threads also missing in early parts of the sequence.

Thread number 1 has a first post dated 1996, but with an answer with content that implies "almost immediately" - by someone "familiar with protocols" at the time of the reply in 2000. The first (1996?) poster appears to have followed the advice given in 2000 to open a second new thread dated 1996.

Some time after thread #4 was identified as the earliest that could be found, there was a "crash" and a number of threads were mangled with some things misdated and out of order. Some rearrangements and "corrections" were made over a fairly extended period after the crash.

All posts other than the first one in the thread #1 are dated 2000 or 2003. Nothing really unusual about gaps in the dates within threads, but it could be regarded as "suspicious."

Clicking the "Philly Blues Boy" at the "first post" shows four posts in two threads, all dated 1996, but the other thread, with all three of his other posts is #21.

Is it likely that "thread 1" was inaccurately renumbered (and perhaps misdated) during the reconstruction to sort out the older threads? Or was it just found during the rebuilding.

The date on Thread 2, which also didn't apear BC (before crash) is earlier than the date for your thread #1.

There still seems to be no thread #3(?).

Philly Blues Boy used a slightly different name to post in at least one other thread, and may have come back more regularly with a third name or name form.

Thread #1 indicates a first post 07 October 1996.

Threads #2 and #4 thru $8 show opening posts 02 Oct 1996, #9 thru 12 show opening posts 03 Oct 1996, but #11 is still missing. #13 goes to 04 October 1996 . #16 jumps to 06 October 1996.

Thread #20 is the first one "in sequence" with the same first-post date as #1. at 07 Octorber 1996.

#22 & #23 have the same date, but #24 & #25 are "missing" making them possible "correct numbers" for the one numbered as #1, if only the date of first post is used to sort. #26 appears a couple of days later.

I've heard that some guys are hard at work correcting the Bible, but this is a lot more important. Get to work Archivist!

(or take a nap.)
