The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118365   Message #3217904
Posted By: GUEST,gordon's memory
04-Sep-11 - 04:51 AM
Thread Name: Whatever happened to Gordon Haskell?
Subject: RE: Whatever happened to Gordon Haskell?
The wonderful miracle that was 'How wonderful you are' ---
1.It was a surprise attack and the first airing began on the eve of september 11th
2.No one from the new world order saw us coming and it was too late to stop it as the impact on the public was as immense in an opposite way to the 9/11 attacks. took them 12 weeks before they could organize a plan to destroy it, using the music press, radio and tv employees and newspapers under their control.
4.we did top of the pops on dec 20th dec and they made their first move by instructing the bbc notto air it. They showed it 2 years later on top of the pops 2. it failed to make no 1. reputedly by a few hundred copies.
5.Everyone in the music business said the same thing. We don't get it' was their mantra for the season.
6.'Don't worry. He won't be around for long ' was their second mantra.
7. 10 years on after 9/11 and the beauty and truth of the song remains . A song that teaches the very opposite of the teachings of The Tavistock Institute who it is said trained Adolf Hitler.
8.I am old now. I will die . But it has gone on record. I hope I did something good. Goodbye.