The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139317   Message #3218198
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
04-Sep-11 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
>>>"Ahhh... no.

Love is love and sex is sex. Loving sex could be loving sex or loving sex. Both are fine but having sex with someone you love is the second ultimate mental/physical experience for a human."<<<<

Ok, come on....out with it, gnu...and the FIRST is????? :0)

Nope, I'm staying with Making Love, thank you very much....I didn't jump on this Sex With No Ties train..It's empty and it's being at a Banquet but you can't taste the food. Oh, it LOOKS perfect, smells divine, but hell, when you try to taste it, there's just no ingredient that satisfies the tummy...leaving an aching hunger inside and a longing for 'what could be'....