The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139317   Message #3218259
Posted By: Big Ballad Singer
04-Sep-11 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
That looks like a new and invented meaning to "promiscuity" dragged in to try to prop up the shibboleths about sex that generations of religions have used to enslave people.

New and invented meaning of "promiscuity", eh? What would YOU call it when preteen children are exposed to "stars" who don't have enough sense to cover their bodies decently? I think they're being desensitized to PROMISCUITY.

See, Merriam-Webster's definition of promiscuity contains the idea of indiscriminateness. That means a person acts like they don't give a damn who sees what, or who gets to touch what where. All they care about is their stated goal, which is looking (and being admired for looking) "sexy", "fabulous" or whatever.

Our children are routinely exposed to women who behave like common whores and dress accordingly. Our society makes millionaire celebrities out of people who have nothing to recommend them but their social calendars and/or cleavage.

The problem with people like you, Mr. Bridge, is that you'd like for everyone to just be able to have what amounts to total liberty when it comes to sexuality. I'm sure something akin to the rule of an individual's conscience will eventually appear in your comments.

Tell me how allowing the indiscriminate celebration of and elevation of shallow, loveless sexuality is going to be any kind of help to our world when more and more young men and women are led into ruined lifestyles because their "freedom" to be "sexy" DROVE them to shag, get pregnant, catch diseases or propagate an even more rape-saturated culture than we already have.