The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26568 Message #321859
Posted By: Bert
18-Oct-00 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
Thou shalt be nice. Should it be remotely possible to construe a message as a joke then thou shalt accept it as a joke. Thou shalt not chide beginners for requesting the lyrics of Kumbaya. Thou shouldst remember that Bill D, Kendall and Spaw are not really the old farts that they appear to be. Thou shalt be 'thou' and not pretend that thou are not. Thou shalt remember that the word 'folk' meaneth different things to different folk. Thou shalt pun. Thou shalt post lyrics. Thou shouldst take a careful look at the 'Clear Entries' button before posting your message. Thou shalt have fun.