The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139317   Message #3218891
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Sep-11 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual Literacy: Not Enough of it.
"Women should have the right and freedom to choose without brainwashing."


I choose Love.

And as for 'brainwashing of women' I agree again, because I look around and see young women who now think Pole Dancing is something to aim for, aspire to and have almost been 'bullied' into believing they should be having sex 24/7 with any man who wants it, or any man they think they want.

They are hard, predatory creatures who appear to go out hunting in packs, looking men up and down in the very way men used to look at women...and for that men were criticised hugely by many women.

I think it was Billy Crystal who said:
"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."

Obviously, he was generalising there..but you get the gist, see the difference.

How sad it is that you seem to be arguing for women to 'just need a place' too, Richard.

And our children should have childhoods, not endless 'lessons' on sex or their sexuality. Just leave them alone. WHY people even associate children with sex I've no idea. It's like some sort of plague that's swept through society...

We were left almost entirely alone from sex 'education' and we all did pretty well, I think..far happier than so many young people around these days.

And to be honest women were far more feminine, softer and nurturing than many are these days. I think it troubles many young girls that they feel so pressurised to have sex, long before they may actually feel ready for it. It's almost as if they switch off something inside, just to get through it all.

Most women are naturally feminine and left alone, nature take it's course as it has done for centuries, without any interference from Academics or Scientists.

Yes, by all means teach that women are equal to me as human beings and each commands as much respect from and towards the other, at all times. Teach that women belong only to themselves, not to men, nor to Corporate Sex Industry Bastards, who, for the most part are men...

Kindness, understanding and compassion to each other is far more important a lesson to be learnt than 'oral sex'...which, to be honest, has NOTHING to do with schools, or teachers at all.

If someone wants to have open, rampant, non-commital sex with someone else who feels exactly the same, and ALL they are interested in is the physical act, then fine if that's what floats their boat....but do NOT try to tell our children that this is what they must do, for that is, imo, perverted and dangerous.

Tell me, Richard, did you ever, when your daughter was young, as in 3 or 4, think that one day little girls would be dressed as, and acting like, Little Lolitas in their body language and awareness of themselves? Did you ever think your daughter would go out hunting with her friends, as I recall you saying once, a long time ago....

Open your eyes, man. Look beyond...and try to see how so many young women have been manipulated. See how pressured they are and how empty many of them feel....