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Thread #139416   Message #3220438
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Sep-11 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Bobert: "Yes, we both agree that we have become addicted to debt... We don't owe it to the Fed... We owe much of it to Treasury notes... Different entities... Tyhe Fed doesn't go out and borrow any money from China... The Fed isn't in debt at all... The Fed doesn't lend money to ordinary citizens..."

This post is so out to lunch, where do I begin??....I'll try....

1. " We don't owe it to the Fed......."

A. We owe the Fed interest, of printing the money, with nothing to back it up, UNLESS the Fed sells it to a country or entity willing to buy the debt. Now we owe TWO people!..but they call in 'Lend'

B. You should have watched the links I provided, because I provided over a half a dozen links, of various members of Congress, asking the Top people of the Fed, and Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner, Where did the money go, and which foreign country got the money. So now we owe the Fed the money for printing it, and 'lending' it to someone else, instead of having it go, to where it was intended, through a vote of the TWO HOUSES. Come on Bobert, are you sleeping when you post these?...or are you just NOT paying attention? 'Guest,999' posted a very easy to follow, animated, link, breaking it down for you. i posted another, from the same people. His was about the Fed, mine was about the Bailouts, BY THE FED!

2. ".......We owe much of it to Treasury notes..."

..That are sold through Goldman Sachs, to whom the Fed bails out.
Just click on the two links, it breaks it down for you...that is IF you're really interested.

3. "....The Fed isn't in debt at all... The Fed doesn't lend money to ordinary citizens..."

Of course they're not in debt..they're making money hand over fists, WE are in debt, and the nation is in a financial crisis, because of their practices, in conjunction with Goldman Sachs!

Actually, I can't fault you for getting 'lost in the woods' trying to understand it.....they used a lot of bribery, accounting tricks, stonewalling, and double-talk, to confuse even and ordinary blue player from threatening to crash the economy, if they have to be audited!

Shit, Bobs, my music links might be the ones you pay more attention to, and I have pretty good tastes, in not only the music, but in the OTHER links I post too!!
Somehow, because of 'political partisanship' indoctrination, you're missing the 'meat' of what's really going, in good keeping with posting relevant links, I'm going to post a MUSIC link equivalent to your level of politics. In other words, this link is to your taste in music, what your political bent is to what is really going on..... Music link equal to Bobert's taste in political depth and The short, version, equal to a political pitch, for more spending! ,which is VERY reminiscent of Obama's speech tonight, about the 'new' jobs bill, he is urging be passed, ASAP(17 times in the speech_ with all the urgency of the AIG bailout!


P.S. Gosh, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings...but somebody HAS to like you enough..............(wink)