The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26644   Message #322071
Posted By: Little Neophyte
18-Oct-00 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Goodbye part II
Subject: RE: Goodbye part II
I like the name Matt.
The meaning of Matthew:
These individuals have come into life to learn how to be a true gift to all those they touch. This does not imply that they must martyr themselves, but rather that there is an energy of abundance that can be shared with others.
For some this may be a physical or material abundance, for others it may be a specific quality such as humor that can be shared, a gift to ease the life of others.
These qualities must be searched out; they lie within all of those with this name. Learning to activate these qualities and express them as a gift will be the task, keeping in mind that gifts are gifts only when given in love.

The Sacred Power In Your Name, Ted Andrews