The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26672   Message #322085
Posted By: SINSULL
18-Oct-00 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
For months now I have hugged and snogged those in need, prayed myself into sore knees for everything from bad hair to bad heirs, cheered you all up when you were down, corrected you when you were wrong, even apologized when I was wrong...and for what???? Not one Catter has congratulated me on the brilliance of my New York baseball teams. For those of you unaware of recent developments or distracted by Tweedledee and Tweedledum playing at being leadership material, THE METS AND YANKEES WILL BE PLAYING A SUBWAY SERIES, THE FIRST IN ALMOST 50 YEARS STARTING ON SATURDAY.

Too late. Don't offer any insincere encouragement. I will open a lone Song Circle and sing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" all by myself. Maybe a beer and a dog. Maybe a tear in my beer, my lonely beer...