The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140057   Message #3221622
Posted By: JennyO
11-Sep-11 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: Bromyard Folk Festival 2011
Subject: RE: Bromyard Folk Festival 2011
Oops, must have accidentally hit submit before.

Back on the computer in our B&B after leaving Bromyard, and for us, it was a cracking festival!

On Friday night, the Hop Pole was open but seemed to be occupied by a rather rowdy bunch, so we left them to it, and instead we found an excellent singing session in the Bayhorse.

Saturday was great - we saw the concerts we wanted to see and spent a lot of time in the football club singing shanties. Our Lady Penelope won the Shantyman Competition, and well deserved too!!

Our voices were starting to fail us by the end of Saturday, as we had already started off with some sort of throat bug that was hanging on from a cold. I barely managed Rolling Home in the Sunday Sing, and Rob has lost his voice altogether now!

Finally a couple of concerts in the Arts Centre, and we've come away feeling very satisfied. We got a lot of stuff on our sound recorders, and took lots of photos. If you are on Facebook and were there, watch out. You may very well find yourself on there :)