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Thread #139416   Message #3222034
Posted By: Stringsinger
12-Sep-11 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
The thread creep here has taken a route from New York to L.A. through the Arctic Circle.

The Tea Party are closer to Christian fundamentalists then they are to Ayn Randers.
They are reactionary religious radicals that the Koch Brothers were able to mobilize as just as Carl Rove did during the Bush years.

Ayn Rand would probably turn a lot of the T Partiers off as she was an avowed atheist. I think that Ron Paul would have a problem with this aspect of Ayn Rand.
Paul Ryan is much closer to Ayn Rand and is not a darling of the T Party as far as I can tell.

I think that Norquist and Ryan would not be above using the T Party to promulgate their agendas, though.

Rick Perry, with his association with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a reactionary fundamentalist dominionist religious radical group (The American Taliban) is a natural head of the T Party. The Executioner-in-Chief of Texas makes it clear that the T Party supports his authoritarian killing solutions to crime as evinced by the biggest applause line in the evening of the GOP debates and it is to him that you have to look to understand for which view the T Party stands.

If the T Party controls the GOP congress, (which I believe it does) it is because the religious agenda of the Congress on the Republican side is clear, moral issues such as anti-choice, birtherism, and that old bug-a-boo from the so-called "good" book about the Sons of Ham run as a subterranean river in the Southern Baptist view.

Eric Cantor is probably pro-Israel (at least for Netanyahu). Boehner sits on a time bomb with the T Party as the crazies attempt to take over the asylum.

They will back Perry, not Romney. Wall Street, however might back Romney much to the chagrin of the T Party, Perry being the loose cannon.

I'll put money on Wall Street over the T Party, though, in spite of the Koch Brothers who would switch their allegiance at the drop of a bottom line, and side with a Romney/Wall Street alliance.

Obama has a better chance against Perry than Romney. I don't think that Huntsman is dead yet.

To solve the problem of the deficit, look past the Republican bullshit and ask where are your tax dollars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan?

The oil and gas companies make a lot of tax-free money in wars.