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Thread #139416   Message #3222605
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
13-Sep-11 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
I think a lot of this, and the Tea Party's momentum, has been because of a backlash to abuses of the Fed promoting programs that they can 'lend' money for. It's not that the programs themselves that were bad, or at fault, but by the time taxes are raised, for those programs, the skimming, from the Fed on down, makes it detrimental, and doing more harm, than funding the actual program itself!..Now we have a backlash, and justifiably so. The problem is, the political 'right' tends to blame the program, and the 'left' blames the 'right' for being 'anti-entitlement for the needy'....when if they just stopped long enough to think it through, and stopped playing politics, they would soon see that the problem lies with the funding, and what it costs, just to get it done.

Case in point, Obama wants another stimulus program with the 'Jobs Bill'. He wants it passed BEFORE it is clear about the funding, which will require yet, another bill. He's presently hyping that 'it will all be paid for', and will leave in place the payroll tax cuts, and go after the 'rich'(small business owners). Bottom line, is that this is exactly the same song and dance crap that has been crashing the economy, but with a different spin.
On the 'other' side of the coin, we have calls to get rid of the Fed, and IRS, with the logic that 'all this money' will be freed up, and help bolster the economy.
Personally, I don't think EITHER of these extremes are workable, just in the fact that they are extremes.....and when presented to the 'other' party, which ever perceives it, it looks too extreme!
As I've said over and over again, a closer adherence to the Constitution, and clean up the corruption, within our parties, both of them, should solve most of the problem. It ain't going to happen.
Goldman Sachs, the Fed, the politicians from both sides have drained or resources, for their own greed, and short sighted goal of 'get it now, get it quick, before it's all gone'. ....The problem is, that what a lot of people can't 'get', (especially on the 'left'), is that it's been 'all gone' for a long time now!! We're just running on fumes, and making up 'repayment plans', and 'recovery rumors'.
These elitist assholes, from BOTH sides, have scuttled the ship of the Union, and stole the lifeboats....and I don't think it is possible to argue or debate that issue, from a partisan point of view.