The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140282   Message #3224083
Posted By: GUEST,Suibhne Astray
16-Sep-11 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: New UK Pylon Designs
Subject: RE: BS: New UK Pylon Designs
I love the Jetsons too, but how dated the future looks now.

If you're going to adopt a more scuptural approach to pylon design, then why not have it so that each one is a different? This way millions of artists could be invited to Design a Pylon, reflecting the diversity of culture in a time whem Mass Production is maybe not so desirable. For sure, one of these new designs might look nice, but seeing them in multiples soon gets wearying on the eye...

Undergrounding is as impractical as it dewstructive; it beggars belief that 'conservationists' are so enthusiastic about it - long term, short term, it's completely unworkable.