The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140282   Message #3224213
Posted By: theleveller
16-Sep-11 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: New UK Pylon Designs
Subject: RE: BS: New UK Pylon Designs
"(and I love Drax) (and Ferrybridge)"

Can't say I'm too keen on Drax myself (apart from the cooling towers, which are iconic). Perhaps familiarity breeds contempt but it always strikes me as grubby, shabby and rather boring. Eggborough, on the other hand, is a different proposition. It reminds me, for some reason, of Mervyn Peake's description of the modernist landscape in the last of the Gormenghast trilogy, Titus Alone. Ferrybridge, I'd agree, is unassailable.

What I like most about pylons is the music they make.