The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140282   Message #3224312
Posted By: gnu
16-Sep-11 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: New UK Pylon Designs
Subject: RE: BS: New UK Pylon Designs
"the French style" is not a good one in regard to life cycle and maintenance. Higher initial cost and high cost of matenance when stress fatigue sets in. Having said that, yes, maintanance may be YEARS down the road, but it will eventually come. That's why we do life cycle cost-benefit analyses.

Did I mention I don't get along with artitects? Give me some true corners and I am a happy engineer. An obtuse angle is not acute angle to me. I once told an architect I couldn't fit the required reinforced concrete in the space he had allowed in his design. He said I "had" to or he would find someone who could. I dunno what happened after I walked out of the meeting.

I believe that, sometimes, ugly just makes good sense... even when it's not YOUR money you are spending. Of course, as a P.Eng., I took an oath that binds me to that way of thinking.