The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3226445
Posted By: Don Firth
21-Sep-11 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
GfS, after you call Lyndon B. Johnson a "piece of shit" (Mark Twain would turn green with envy at your sensitively insightful political critiques) and beef about how McNamara drafted all the pot-heads and demonstrators (I didn't know it was McNamara who had that power), and the fact that you used the word "us," not "you," in relation to all this—plus the fact that your style of verbal expression (rambling and often incoherent) is very much like that of an acquaintance of mine who, during the Sixties, fried his brain with incessant use of pot when he wasn't experimenting with more exotic stuff—

Now I no longer need to wonder about the source of your screwed up view of the history AND your bewilderment over the current political climate.

And then you go on to say just above:

"The peace movement of the '60's was co-opted by the Democratic Party.
Johnson was a Democrat.
Johnson escalated the war.
As the war grew more unpopular, the Democrats, in order to gain a base, co-opted the peace movement.

What the hell planet were you living on back in the Sixties, GfS? Whichever one it was, it's pretty obvious that you must have been perpetually stoned.

If anything, the peace movement co-opted the Democratic Party!

But that was then. THIS IS NOW!

Don Firth