The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113093   Message #3226579
Posted By: Rob Naylor
21-Sep-11 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: Folk clubs in Kent
Subject: RE: Folk clubs in Kent
Stilly river Sage: Sinéad: tried to read up top, but most of it just seems like boring old crap coming from generally grumpy people.

Stilly River Sage: And you sound like an uppity 19-year-old! Welcome to mudcat, but keep in mind those grumpy people you're complaining about may be in a position to do you a favor one day.

Sinéad's been posting here for quite some time!!! And she's not uppity at all, but from my odd encounter with her in real life she very much hides her light under a bushel. A lot of what's posted above DOES sound like "boring old crap coming from generally grumpy people"...I agree with her entirely there, and I'm 56! I think one reason many folk venues are so short of youngsters is the patronising attitude they encounter from some of the "more mature" attendees.

Sinéad's open-minded enough to say that she enjoyed the Seven Stars, even though it isn't "trad" enough for her, whereas a lot of the posters above seem so set in their ways that they refuse to have anythingto do with something outside their "comfort zone".