The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112465 Message #3227051
Posted By: MGM·Lion
22-Sep-11 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Bedlam Boys / Tom of Bedlam
Subject: RE: Origin of Bedlam Boys
From the pov I am urging, Al ~~ the learning from historical perspective ~ aren't they all, arguably, "gems"?
Your 'nigger' analogy is significant ~~ we have had many threads, & much argument, as to how one should sing e.g. the first verse of 'Johnny Go Down To Hilo' these days, haven't we? (We despise the amatory bowdlerisations of such as Sharp in his published versions, but would in our turn similarly censor racial, or, in this case you are urging, mental-health, references). I don't think much consensus has emerged, or is likely.
As to your "joyfully unconcernedly", how is one to judge how much empathy or sympathy exist in the singer's mind at the point of performance?