The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112465   Message #3227084
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
22-Sep-11 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Bedlam Boys / Tom of Bedlam
Subject: RE: Origin of Bedlam Boys
I just remember my mother despising anyone who talked of a sufferer from mental illness in such terms. Writing up to the BBC when anyone broadcast using language of that sort. And she's been dead these thirty odd years

I don't think there was much fantasy involved - just take a look at the facts - they beat Grand Guignol into second place as a horror tableau.

perhaps I am doin SS fans a disservice - there never seems too much gravity attached to the performance. Obviously sing what you want, doesn't appeal much to me though. Maybe Sylvia plath was singing it as she turned on the gas, and I'm not sensitive enough to get it.